When most people hear the term “organic” they immediately think “expensive”. But here at SOL, we pride ourselves on creating luxury organic cotton sheets and products that are affordable. We believe that by promoting access, it grows the demand, which increases the supply thus lowering the price point. People will buy more organic cotton if the price barrier was removed. This is why we understand that a fair price is the key while abiding by fair trade practices.
Fair Trade Practices You Can Respect
Over 40 million small farmers produce over 60% of the world’s cotton (read more HERE).
The majority of these individuals lives below the poverty line and are dependent on middlemen who purchase their cotton below the cost it takes to produce.
Buying organic cotton sheets made with fair trade cotton means having the highest of quality while at the same time helping low paid cotton farmers around the world receive a fair price for their work. Fair trade deals with the small-scale farmers in Africa, Asia and Latin America and assists in building organizations that are farmer owned.
This is important to note because when they band together as a group they can achieve more in their wage negotiations. When you support fair trade practices you are encouraging sustainable cotton production with a standard of economic benefits.
Here at SOL we pride ourselves in streamlining our supply chain and operational costs to provide you with affordable organic cotton sheets that make a difference in the world. We offer you a price better than others while at the same time providing you with the highest quality.
A Price You Can Afford
The quality of our organic cotton sheets is on par with high-end luxury bed sheets, however, we are able to offer them at a reasonable price. We ensure the integrity of our supply chain, from the cotton being grown and harvested on a fair trade farm, to the manufacturing of the product at a fair trade factory.
This social and environmental change is dependent upon our customers and their abilities in spreading the word. This can be done by sharing your love for our products with friends and family members or sharing our message online. You have the power to create a better life for others across the world based on your buying decision.
Our choices do make a difference. They inspire change.